Saturday, August 6, 2011

A few things...

I forgot to mention that while we were hanging out at the pool in Destin, this lady and her kids passed by in front of me while I was sitting on the edge of the pool. They needed to hang on to the side so she excused them because I had to move out of their way.  She looked at me and said "do you blog?"  I was shocked!  I said yes and she said "you look like a fellow blogger" :)  Made my day!

While we were in Florida, Ryan started WANTING to walk!!  That is a MAJOR answered prayer!!!  HE takes OUR hands to walk....not us trying to make him walk.  Since we have been home, he does this constantly! He doesn't crawl/hop much at all anymore.  He would much prefer walking with our assistance.  This has been my prayer for the last couple of months...that God would tell his brain to tell his body to walk and that he would have the desire.  This encourages me so much!!!  I was getting pretty discouraged before since it had been a couple months since I felt like we had made any progress.  Thank you Jesus! I am so excited for him to walk...I know he will wonder why he waited so long!

Ryan is going to be moving up to the next class at his school.  I am sad to leave his sweet teachers but I think it will be good for Ryan. He did great with the last transition and I think it will be the same this time.  He already knows his new teachers and most of the kids (if not all) in his class.  He is the oldest in his class right now.  They have kept him in there since he isn't walking but I guess they feel that with the kids in there, it will be fine.  I think they do more language development in that class so that will be great. (p.s. I talked to one of the teachers that will be in Ryan's class the other day.  She said "I am so so excited that Ryan will be moving up to my class! Can't wait!!!" That made me so happy!  I really pray for Ryan's teachers and I am so glad that they enjoy him :)

Ryan has started throwing mild fits.  I say mild because I know they could be much worse but they are definitely fits. I first noticed this maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago.  He will (from a sitting position) throw himself on the floor, cry, roll and flop around. (It usually only lasts maybe 10 seconds.) Oh dear.  I saw one of the kids in his class do this one morning and I asked his teachers if Ryan did that.  They say "oh no...we have never seen Ryan do that." Well that's good at least!  I asked a friend of mine about it and she said her son learned to throw fits and he isn't in daycare...just learned on his own :)

Ryan has started trying to put on our shoes.  He thinks it's funny.  He also likes to put tupperware on his feet and laugh real loud with this fake laugh :) (p.s. you might not want to eat out of any of our tupperware:)

Ryan has been talking more and more. I can't even remember all the words now.  Truck, auntie, lala, car,  choo choo.

His favorite toy right now is his choo choo. 

Last week was sick week in our house.  Started with Ryan having fever last Sunday night through Wednesday night.  Tuesday afternoon, his ears started oozing so I knew a trip to the ear doctor was needed.  Michael actually took him to the doctor for the first time by himself!  It was a good one too...had to suck Ryan's ears out and everything!  Not fun.  But so good to get the junk out of there.  He is still on meds and doing fine now.  It was pretty amazing to see his loss of balance during this time.  Ear problems mess him up.  Michael was sick (achy and yuck on Friday) and I had stomach yucky and a little fever.  Thank God that has passed and we are feeling good once again! 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading about Ryan and all he is doing now! So happy he is wanting to won't be long now and he will be running all over the place :)

