Wednesday, March 18, 2009

25 Random Things About Me...

1. I love my new last name...King. (but I still have to spell it to people, like I did with Arceneaux, because people think I say "Keen" I think) (ironically, when I tell people my first name on the phone, a lot of times people think I say my name is Peggy.  Katie. Peggy??!!  Weird.)

2. My sister and I have the same face...and people tell us that all the time :) By the way, I am SO happy to have a sister. She is the best! 

3. I LOVE to work in the yard and garden. It makes me happy! It is therapeutic for me to be working outside. But I HATE it when the mosquitos start to attack me.

4. I LOVE to watch HGTC and The Food Network.

5. Unfortunately, I am a little bit of a germ-a-phob. I am totally weird about my feet touching the floor or sitting on a comforter at a hotel. I cringe when I see hair in the shower that doesn't belong to me! I know that it won't hurt me but I can't get passed it!

6. I had to wait until I was 28 to meet Michael but thankfully we got engaged 2-1/2 months later and married 4 months after that so I didn't have to wait to get married very long after I met him!

7. I have a great job, working for great people. I have been there 10 years. That makes me feel really old.

8. I ALWAYS have to be doing something else while I am watching t.v., whether it be look at magazines or play on the internet. I can't just SIT there.

9. I have the greatest parents in the world! And they are working out of town right now, so I miss them! Actually, they live 45 minutes away so I always miss them! We are all so busy, we never get enough relaxing together time.

10. I enjoy cooking! I just wish I had more time to cook and more ideas!

11. I am trying to learn to sew. I have the sewing machine all threaded and I just need to have the time to start a project!

12. Michael and I remodeled our house a few months after we were married. I would not recommend this to newlyweds...unless you are both handy people who like to paint. It was NOT so great for our marriage!! But we made it through and learned some great lessons. However, we will NOT be doing that again!!! :)

13. I have 3 nieces! They are all so precious! Chelle is 7 and she lives in Corpus Christi so we don't get to see her near as often as we would like. Hopefully, she and her momma can move back closer to home soon. Kate is also 7 and she is such a dainty beauty with strawberry blonde hair! Her sister, Laura is almost 2. She is so funny and opposite of Kate! She is red headed and feisty! And so, so cute of course! We pray for our nieces often that the Lord will meet their needs, keep them safe, fulfill their desires and that they would seek His direction for their life.

14. I LOVE NYC! I have been there 4 times and would love to go back!

15. I am 31 years old. How is that possible?

16. I do not like scary movies. I will remember them in detail when I am alone and I do not like to be scared. If I accidently see one, I will probably wake up in the middle of the night and slide my foot across the bed to make sure Michael is still there. 

17. I love to look at magazines! I have subscriptions to Better Homes & Gardens, Southern Living and Family Circle (remember....I am 31). My sister has a subscription to US Weekly (my Christmas gift to her!) so I also get to read that too.

18. I am not a creative dresser. I don't accessorize like I should.

19. I am blind as a bat without my contacts. What did people with bad eyesight do before contacts/glasses? I would be literally handicapped. (Are bats really blind?)

20. I HATE confrontation and a fault.  I will avoid it at all costs.  It makes my stomach hurt.  I need to grow up.

21.  I love watermelon!  One of the many reasons I get excited in the spring is because I know watermelon season is right around the corner!

22. I am not a very good swimmer. I was too scared when I was little to take lessons and I don't like water up my nose!

23.  I was home schooled almost my entire school career.

24.  I do not own ONE pet.  I am not really a animal person. I don't NOT like them. I just don't want to have to own one and take care of one.  Michael and I actually had that discussion on our first date (don't know how that came up!) but he is not a animal person either.

25.   I love fall, winter and spring!  Summer is just too miserable here and I sweat way too much.  (the one bright spot...watermelon :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


doesn't seem like we are always waiting for something? When you are 4, you can't wait to be 8. When you are 8, you want to be 16! When you're 16, you think life will be SO much better when you are 21. After that, maybe you just wanted to meet your husband. Some people get them at 21...but others have to wait ENTIRELY too long it seems :) If you are married, you might be waiting to have children. When you have babies, you might be hoping for the next stage, whether it be when your child can sit up, crawl, walk, feed themselves, clean up after themselves or sleep through the night. Wait, wait, wait.

During my long wait for Michael, I remember something someone said to me. I was whining about why couldn't it EVER just work out with someone. I was told "well, until you meet the right one, it's NOT gonna work out."huh. simple. makes sense.

Pastor Ron preached a sermon lately about Abraham and Isaac. About listening to God's direction and acting on it. And about God's provision for us. Here are a few quotes that I have been thinking about:

"Provision is waiting for you to arrive at the place God desires you to be."
"The treasure of God's best for your life is found in the field of God's will for your life."
"Sometimes God sends us down a particular road to get to the end of that road and sometimes He sends us down a road to get to the fork in that road. We don't always know until we get there. This is why we must know God's voice and always be ready for a fresh word from heaven."

I know these comments don't directly deal with waiting, but they do deal with God's provision (in His perfect timing) and us seeking His direction....which sometimes requires waiting.

I'm a little teary today, as it was supposed to be our due date. It's spring and there is new life everywhere, from babies (everywhere I look!) to all the new leaves, plants and flowers. I know that the Lord is in control and He will provide for us. And like Abraham...I am to trust Him, seek His direction and do what He directs me to do.

UPDATE:  I was pregnant when I wrote this, I just didn't know it yet :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2 years and counting....

Today is our 2 year anniversary! Time seriously flies. It's almost scary.  

Michael took me to Suga's for dinner.  It is where we had our first date so we have really good memories there.  It was super yummy too!  This was our dessert...good ol' chocolate cake.  You can't beat it!

Thank God that He is faithful.  Our relationship is a testament to that fact.  I thought Michael would NEVER get here.  And now it is two years later...

We watched our wedding video tonight and it makes me so happy.  I loved seeing our parents, sisters, brother and of course all our friends at our wedding.  I loved getting to celebrate our love and God's love with everyone.  

I think about how much I love Michael.  I think about how much more God loves us.  I can't even grasp the thought.  Thank God that He knows us, still loves us and gives us more than we can ask or imagine.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I love weekends.  I always hate it when it gets dark on Sunday evening.  It's so sad...

Typically, we ask the same question every weekend "where do you want to eat?"  "I don't care, where do you want to go?"

This weekend, we ate at 2 places we had never eaten at before!  It was so fun!  Friday we ate at New York Pizza and Pasta downtown.  It has been there for about a year but I had never heard of it.  It was such a great atmosphere and the pizza was great!  I felt like I was in Baltimore... loved it!

Saturday night, we ate at N-Fuegos at the corner of West Lucas and Calder (where Novrozsky's was).  Stupid name.  BUT...have you ever eaten at Freebirds?  N-Fuegos is pretty much like that.  A burrito bar. You go down the line and tell them what you want on your burrito. They wrap it up real tight in foil and there you go!  It is different and oh so yummy :)  

We will definitely go back to both of these places.  Just thought I would share in case anyone wanted to try them out!