Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blog Book

I just wanted to show my blog book that I got printed! I am so so thrilled with it! Thanks Michelle for telling me about it :)

You get to pick out your front cover and back cover picture. I was impressed with how professional it is! (don't know what I was thinking it might be--hole punches with brads holding it together?!) It even has a table of contents. I started my blog last January so I printed out all of 2009. If you want to do this, go to (on the left side of the screen, click on "blog to book". It only cost me about $38)

Not much to report in the Ryan department except that we had a fun momma/son day today. Michael went to a gun show in Houston with his dad so Ryan and I got to hang out :) I thank the Lord so much for him. I tell him everyday that he is an answer to our prayers.

Look at that wrist! No, we do not have rubber bands on his wrists...that what good ol' fashioned momma milk will do for you :)
Daddy making Ryan squeal!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Laughter is the best medicine....

Ryan laughed out loud for the first time tonight! So amazing! He's been SO on the verge of it for a week or two....mouth open and a laughing face, just no noise...until tonight!
All it took was a crazy lady (momma) saying the magic word "aaaabboooo" about 100 times and her hair flying in his face :) He laughed about 6 times and then got tired of our game...we will have to come up with something else that he thinks is funny!

Those pictures were actually of Ryan at work with me this morning. He was in such a great mood! Actually, he has been in a good mood most of the time since the doctor tripled his medicine and altered my diet i.e. no dairy or nuts...and no grapes either, not per doctor but per Ryan. His reflux is MUCH better...hoping the congestion goes away now too. We are so thankful!

This is Ryan working on sitting up...his gut gets in the way sometimes :)

I had to show off Ryan's Darth Vader shirt...Daddy's a big fan. Gotta love those rolley polley arms :)


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'll be your friend...

Ryan has made a few friends lately.

His friends hang out with him in the car. He will smile at them and coo and talk all the way sweet! (fyi...this doesn't work ALL the time but a lot of the time he is peaceful in the car :) Michael thinks Ryan might be a little disappointed when he finds out there aren't really any purple bugs like that :)

The fan is also a friend Ryan likes to hang with. He will have a pretty good conversation with him some evenings.

Ryan LOVES sucking on his fist! It's amazing to watch a baby develop every day and see how he used to not have any control over his hands and now he watches his fist as he slowly brings it to his mouth...and then goes to town on it :) God's pretty amazing, huh?!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today we went to the Houston RV show. Romantic, huh?! We would like to get a travel trailer sometime in the future so we enjoyed getting to look at a lot of different ones. Michael likes to research so we got a lot of research material today :)

Also this weekend, Michael sold his caprice. If you know Michael, you know about the caprice but just in case...the caprice was his grandpa's car and Michael has a lot of memories with his grandpa and the caprice so it's sentimental to him. So he got the caprice from his grandpa the day before our first date. Michael came and picked me up in his truck that night but after watching a movie at his house, he brought me home in the caprice. Good times :) Michael likes to remind me that I told him the car smelled like old people and laughed that AC said "climate control center" on the dash :) Of course he was listening to rap music in it which was the icing on the cake!

We had to get some pictures of Ryan with the caprice of course :) We will miss you caprice! Happy trails!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

3 months

Ryan is 3 months old today!!

That's a happy daddy! This picture cracks me up cause Ryan is poking out his bottom lip :)

Ryan weighs 15 pounds 3 ounces and is 24-1/3 inches long. I can tell he is getting longer cause he keeps out growing his cute clothes! We are loving hearing his sweet voice when he coos and "talks" to us. He keeps adding new sounds too! His back, neck and arms are getting stronger. When we have him on his tummy, he likes to push off Michael's hands and will scoot across the bed. He pulls his legs up under him one at a time and pushes off. This is amazing to me. God is pretty smart to program us like he does :)

We love our sweet boy! We are so happy to get to be his parents! Happy 3 month birthday Ryan!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


We had such a nice day today! Some friends from New Orleans came in yesterday for weekend visit and we went to Kemah today. I had not been in a few years and it seems the amusement park ride part has multiplied!

There is a huge roller coaster that I did not take pictures's massive!

It seems like it has been so gloomy, rainy and cold lately. It was so nice to be outside on such a beautiful day! We ate at Cadillac Bar (mexican food) and Marble Slab of course!

I must say that I am a proud mommy because Ryan did SO GOOD all day! He seemed to enjoy being out and about :) Last night was not very good because Ryan did not seem to be feeling good. He is still having a lot of drainage and is choking up and gagging, not all the time but randomly. But last night was the worst it has been. He kept choking up and getting mad/frustrated/scared...not sure which but it might have been all three. And the more he got choked up, the more worked up he got. We tried to calm him down for awhile but it was the breathing treatment that finally calmed him down...the noise of the machine to be exact. He always gets very calm when we run the machine. I have heard of people who run their vacuum cleaners or hair dryers to calm their babies down and I can see that it might work! So needless to say, I was so very happy that he was so content today! It makes me feel good when he feels good.

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl and I am pulling for Indianapolis! I just realized this week that I guess I am "supposed" to be a Saints fan. But I have never been and I am a Peyton Manning fan so that's my story :)

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!!!