Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

This was our Mother's Day picture that I never wrote about! I am so thankful to be Ryan's momma!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fun and learning

Ryan cracks us up.  

This weekeind, we went to Michael's great aunt and uncle's house in Nacogdoches for one night.  Ryan had a hard time going to sleep because he was wide awake and not in our normal environment. He was a wiggle worm.  I asked him to sing me a song. He said "ready, set, go, ahhhhhh!" Uhhhh...that's not a song :) (They live at a busy intersection and there are lots of big trucks that go by...Ryan was in heaven.)
 Waving at the big trucks...
 Ryan is loving playing in the sprinkler this year! I love it! I was remembering last year, when he was so ready mentally to run through the sprinkler but he still wasn't walking.  I had to run him through the sprinkler holding him and he still loved it but this year he has some freedom :) If I am watering the plants, he will want me to hold the water hose up so he can run under it.
He also likes to water the plants himself.  A couple of weeks ago, Michael was watering the back yard and Ryan was helping him. He wanted to hold it by himself so Michael set it to where the hose would spray without having to hold the nozzle down.  It had some force behind it so it was giving Ryan a hard time with his balance.  It would knock him down and he would get right back up.  He would drop it and it was spray straight up in the air...and all over him.  He would go to pick it up and trip and then it would spray him straight in the bottom!  It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen!  This went on for at least 5 minutes.  Ryan had a blast and kept saying "Ry ry big helper!!!!" (Ryan is a big helper!) Michael recorded some of it and by the time he was done, Ryan, Michael and his phone were soaking wet :)
Ryan has been learning so much lately!  Michael has really been working with him on his numbers and they are working on those things at school also.  Ryan can count from 1-5...most of the time :) He is getting good with his colors...purple, orange and yellow are always right. Blue, green, white, black are sometimes.  Red is orange...never thought about how hard that must be to distinguish the two.  Ryan has numbers and letters on the brain right now.  He will count things he sees...sometimes it sounds like this "two, eight, nine, ten, purple." :) He is also getting good at naming shapes.  I love watching him learn!

I have been getting Ryan to repeat Philipians 4:13 after me "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." It is the absolute sweetest, cutest thing to hear. 

Friday, June 1, 2012


We got a load of dirt a few weeks ago and Ryan (and Michael) had a blast playing in it!
It doesn't matter what we are long as we are outside, Ryan is happy :)
It is great therapy to lay in the grass with a 2 year old and look at the clouds and birds.  Love it...