Thursday, May 28, 2009


Just a quick post to show Noel a belly picture :)

Sorry it's a crappy cell phone picture but it's as good as it gets right now!  I think the belly has grown this week and that makes me very happy.  

On a side note, they put the new roof on the Lumberton house today!  They are going to fix the air tomorrow.  So far, it looks like we will be able to sign this coming Thursday, June 4th.  Still praying for God the bring the right buyers for our Beaumont house.  No worries...trusting God to bring them in His timing.  

Monday, May 25, 2009

Beginning of summer...

We had a great, relaxing, long weekend.  Friday night I got the spend with Alecia and Michelle...which is always fun!  Friends are a blessing!  Saturday evening, Michael and I went to Wildwood and got to spend some time with my mom.  My dad was working for a couple days out of town.  Michael got to fish and we all  really relaxed ALOT!  Love those kind of weekends :)

Monday, we went to Michael's Aunt Sheri, Uncle Curtis and his cousin Cody's house in Vidor. They just got this pool put in!

So fun!  I might actually get a tan this summer :)  Michael's sister and her kids were there too.  This is Laura, who is so fun!

Don't know what Michael is doing with his smile :) but look at that sweet Laura face!  Gotta love that red head!  

Hope you all had a great Memorial Day.  Thank God for people who have been and are willing to sacrifice their lives for our freedom.  God bless America!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

When life gives you lemons...

The King baby is now the size of a lemon :) Just in case you were wondering, I get my info from They like to compare the size of the baby to fruit for some reason! The baby is 3-1/2 inches long and weighs over 1 oz. now. I want to put up belly pictures but in pictures you still can't really tell yet. If you ask Michael, my sister or mom, they will tell you that I am showing! But somehow when you take a picture, it doesn't show up :( Oh will happen soon enough!

In other news, we are trying to buy a house in Lumberton and we have our Beaumont house up for sale. I say TRYING to buy a house because we are still waiting for the seller to put on the new roof and fix the air conditioner like he agreed to. We are excited and praying it all works out.

P.S. Do you ever scare yourself when it takes you forever to realize something that is SO OBVIOUS??! I do all the time. Like the "Title" line for the title of your blog. I just realized it was there. I have been wondering how people have clear titles and mine always is the first sentence of what I write. At least I finally figured it out :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby pictures :)

For those of you who are not of Facebook, I wanted to show you the first pictures of Baby King!


We went for our first appointment with Dr. Bost and we got to hear the heartbeat again!  After he examined me, he thought I felt a little big so he suggested we do an ultrasound to try to pinpoint the due date a little better.  Before we got back to the ultrasound room, two different nurses asked us about twin history in our families...which we have on both sides.  But as soon as they put the wand thing on my tummy, there was obviously ONE ACTIVE baby in there!  The arms and legs were moving around like crazy!  So fun to see.  What a miracle.  I am barely showing and there is a fully formed baby in me.  Amazing.   So they moved up my due date to November 16th which means that I am almost 13 weeks along now!  Second trimester.  The next time we go the the doctor will be June 15th and I will be 18 weeks.  I think they will check to find out the sex of the baby then!  Time flies....