Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First off, I forgot to put this on my post about Mother's Day...it's the first Mother's Day "school" project Ryan made me :) (If you can't tell, that his yellow foot print :)
Last Saturday Ryan went to his first "friend" birthday party! Look how handsome he looked:
His friend Gavin was turning 1 year old! He is SO cute and when I picture Ryan at 1 year, I kinda picture Gavin. They both have BIG blue eyes. dirty blonde hair and big smiles :)
(Don't worry this really wasn't an open mouth on mouth kiss!! It was a check kiss and was very manly...you had to be there ;)

Gavin had a great time with some cupcakes and BLUE icing...his momma is a brave woman!

On Saturday evening, we camped out in our driveway in our new/used travel trailer! We bought it when we went to the Woodlands a couple weeks ago. Spent a few night cleaning it from top to bottom last week and now it smells and feels so clean! We have looked at travel trailers for a couple years and were sure that when we came across the right one, the Lord would give us peace about it. We are excited about the memories we will make as a family!

(Ryan is a LITTLE obsessed with the lights in the trailer...can you tell?)

He also loves the BIG bed that he gets to sprawl out on:

Ryan is just a joy...loves to smile and laugh and cut up :)

He loves to play with his daddy:

Ryan had his first taste of baby food today! (besides rice cereal) He loved it! Ate the whole little container of squash. I tasted it too and was pretty impressed! Yummy!

I wrote a couple months ago that Ryan was getting 2 teeth...well....they never really made it in! (I was not alone in my thinking...the doctor was the one who said 2 when I had just thought 1!) It seems they came right up to the top of his gum and stopped maybe??! (don't really know if that can happen but anyway....) There has been some action in his mouth lately....he is doing weird things with his lips and making funny faces...like he is chewing on things or is working on something in there. Maybe this time it will be for real :)

I keep meaning to write about this so that I won't forget....Ryan loves the Christmas song "Silent Night". Always has. I would sing him ALL kinds of Christmas carols during the hours of nursing he did when he was first born. I loved it. I pulled out all kinds of Christmas songs...every single one I could think of. I would sing "Silent Night" and he would almost immediately get still and quiet. I would sing another song and he would get fussy again...and back to "Silent Night" and back to calm and quiet. It was amazing! I still sing it to him when he is fussy and he still likes it :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

6 months!!!

Ryan is 6 months old today!! I cannot believe it. Oh, what a fun 6 months it has been! Looking back, I remember how the first month...couple months really, but the first month was survival mode. All consuming baby...and I loved it all...even when I was crying :) It was a new challenge. I would put Ryan down for a nap and run like a crazy woman around the house trying to eat and get a couple things done before I heard him cry again. My big outing was going out to the mailbox to check the mail :) It is SO much easier now. I realize that we have been in the honeymoon phase with him. He's in a good mood most of the time, he laughs and smiles all the time, he likes to swing and be in his exersaucer...and he is not mobile yet. That will change soon I am sure.

Ryan is saying different sounds now...he says "da" a lot which will be so fun when it turns into "dada" :) He is so chunky...almost 19 pounds! Love the rolls and that cute little belly! This weekend he started nodding his head like he is saying yes...which of course he isn't but it is hilarious to watch! He seems to think it's fun...maybe he likes the feeling of being a little dizzy?!

He is not sitting up yet but is getting closer all the time. He is lots better at eating his cereal and I need to start giving him some vegetables soon! I am excited for him!

Yesterday was my first official Mother's Day! (we celebrated last year too but this year I got to hold my baby in my arms, not my belly :)

I had a wonderful day. We went to early church and then ate at Outback with some of Michael's family. We had a relaxing afternoon and I got to take a nap :) I was excited about my gifts:

Ryan handing me my card (please forgive the showing of the nursing bra...this was post nap & Ryan likes to pull on my shirt :)

I had been wanting to read this book. I know I have a lot to learn!
I've been hearing about this lady and apparently she is an amazing cook so I have been interested in her cookbook...looks great!

Mom and Dad got me this cookbook. Mom and I love Giada :) Excited about trying out some of her recipes!Jenny made me this cutie cute wreath...not the greatest picture of it but you get the idea. She is Mrs. Creative! It will look so good when I get it hung!

Oh, and I can't forget about the sweet cards I got...always love cards.

Thank you God for the gift of being a momma!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ryan is grabbing and reaching for things now! Last week, I looked back at him in the car and saw this:

My favorite is now he pulls back on the toy (his "friends") as far as it will pull...and then lets it go like sling shot. So funny.

I took him to Wal Mart with me and he was grabbing at everything I was putting in the cart...that was a first :) It is such a miracle to see him developing...

A couple weeks ago, Alecia and Ellen came over for a nice evening on the porch. Ryan had a little fever that night but he was such a good boy and enjoyed the visit anyway :) We love these ladies!

We took a short trip to the Woodlands last weekend and had a great time...did some shopping and eating :) Michael and Ryan had a good time in the hotel room:
(Yes, that is our hideous old sheet that is covering the bed...could not bear the thought of Ryan rolling around on that hotel comforter!)

Yesterday, Ryan was asleep in his swing and had his toy in his lap. The next thing we know, he was wearing it as a mask :)

Not sure exactly how that happened :)