Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter weekend...

I think that I love Easter more and more every year!  It seems to sink in a little more each year what God did for us...sent His only Son to die for us so that we can be forgiven...what an indescribable gift!  I cannot imagine having to do that....sacrifice my son for people who would hate him and be hateful to him, people who would laugh at his pain.  Thank you God for the resurrection!  That is what makes the difference for us...He is RISEN! 

Michael took off Thursday (I had to work!) and took Ryan to the San Jancinto Monument.  It was the 175 anniversary of when Santa Anna's army was defeated there.  They had a ceremony to commemorate the day.

I had to take a picture of Ryan playing with my "monthly supplies".  :)
 We were off on Good Friday and spent a lot of the day outside and getting things done around the house.  Ryan played hard and had a good day :)  I loved this picture of Ryan with his "cheek" showing out of his diaper :)
 We went to a city Easter egg hunt.  It was kindof like a festival with no rides.  It was really neat!  There were a ton of people there!  

 We went to church on Easter and then to lunch at Michael's grandma's house.  It was a good day!
Jenny got Ryan this precious Easter basket! I love this picture because it shows what Ryan's favorite thing to do was this Easter....take the eggs OUT of the basket!
 These big sunglasses were in his basket :)
Mom and Dad were at the Grand Canyon on Easter and got to go to the sunrise service on Easter morning!  Mom said it was one of her favorite days of her life :)  This is the picture they sent us...amazing!
Happy Easter/Resurrection Day!!

Fishing, fire and fun

A couple of weekends ago, we went up to Wildwood to spend the day and enjoy the perfect weather!  Our friends, the Dillons, came up in the later afternoon so that their kids could fish.  Michael had to untangle about 6 fishing rods...good times :)
We got to ride on the golf cart and of course, Ryan wanted to drive :)

As we were leaving my parents, we saw this huge cloud of smoke from a forest fire very close to my parents neighborhood.  Thank God it is out now and all the homes are ok.
Michael had saved this fire engine since he was a kid. Ryan lit up when he saw it!

Michael got a load of dirt for our back yard. He and Ryan had a good time playing with it!

I love this picture of Ryan brushing his hair while riding on his truck :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Not much...

There has not been a lot going on around here to write about so I did what I usually the pictures from my phone/camera and write about them. The pictures usually tell the story of our lives.

I love this picture of Ryan with my flowers in his wagon
Love Ryan watching cars!
We were sitting on the front yard the other day and Ryan took off pushing his truck. I let him go until he was at our neighbor's driveway! He kept looking back at me and grinning :)
We have spent a lot of time outside lately (can't you tell from all the pictures?!) It's been warm a lot lately, so Ryan has had shorts on some. He has insisted on crawling on the cement and scrapped his knees all up. It sure didn't seem to bother him!
Last weekend was full of birthday parties! Laura turned 4! She had a Fancy Nancy party...

Kate and Laura have this fun ramp. Ryan LOVED it :) We will definitely have to get one for our house!

Poppi turned 87! We went to a craw fish boil to celebrate!
We also celebrated our neighbor Garrett's 7th birthday! (I didn't take any pictures though)

Curtis came over to help Michael with some dirt work and Ryan got to see a tractor up close and personal. He loved watching it work...he sat in Michael's lap watching for probably 20 minutes and then we put him in the play pen on the back porch for probably 20 more minutes....watched the tractor the whole time! But he DIDN'T love riding on the tractor!
Love this sweet picture of my sleeping sweeties
Ryan loves to play in our closet
I adore this sweet face
Ryan has just this past week really gotten good on his truck! He used to just go backwards and now he is backwards, forwards, u turning, turning around when he gets in a corner, etc. He has got it figured out!

We walked to the Village Creek Festival the other night! It was fun to be able to do that. Jenny came with us and got to go on a ride with Ryan :)
That's all for now :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

doc and zoo

Last week, we took Ryan to the eye doctor in Houston. For a long time we have noticed one of Ryan's eyes drifts to the side. Most of the time it is fine but we notice it mostly when he is tired or in a "stare". I stare off into the distance a lot and like to "finish" my I the only one besides Ryan who does this? He got that from me I guess! Anyway, the doctor said we need to patch his eye every day for 1-2 hours.
Pretty pitiful, huh? This was the second day and he wasn't too happy when we put it on. He is used to it now and just continues to play like no big deal! Thank God he doesn't fight it. We will go back in 4 months to see what progress he has made.

Michael and I had taken the day off so after the doctor visit, we went to the zoo! It was a nice warm (not hot) week day so there weren't many people there...nice! Ryan had his eyes dilated so we had to keep sunglasses on him and his hat. Thankfully, we had brought his wagon and so Ryan's hands were preoccupied by holding on to the wagon and so he didn't pull at his glasses or hat :)
Michael, Ryan and the Rhino (this was Michael's friend Ryan's nickname so Michael wanted to take this picture with the rhino)
(I think that Ryan looks so old in the picture! Actually, the glasses and hat make him look old in all these pictures!)
Did you know that porcupines climbed trees? I didn't!
Beautiful bald eagle
Can you see the baby elephant?
Ryan had not had a nap so he got really sleepy while we were there. We laid him down in his wagon with a bottle :)
After the zoo, we walked around a little by the water downtown. It was really beautiful. Don't remember if this was here when I was a kid or if I just forgot about it.
We walked through a big, lovely Japanese was beautiful!
We had a great day and Ryan was a trooper! Thank God for random off days!