Thursday, April 22, 2010


Ryan has found some new play toys....his feet! They are built in fun!

I remember my niece, Chelle, when she would suck on her toes :) Loved it!

Ryan's hair is getting thicker on top now! I love his new lighter's a little trip back in time to what his hair looked like when he was born...

And now...

He DOES have's just really light. It is pretty thin on the sides but like I said getting thicker on the top. I loved it that he was born with all that dark hair...just cause it was so unexpected! And I love it now too :)

I do realize that all my posts are about Ryan. I am pretty sure it will be that way from here on least most of the time! I will do my best to mention his parents when I get the chance!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Going visiting...

I am trying to blog once a week...which means I must make myself do it when I should be asleep! If not, it won't get done!

I wrote that Ryan is 5 months old now but I forgot to write this: He is 27 inches long and 17lbs 5oz (on Monday...then he lost weight when he was not feeling good=not eating Thursday he was 17lbs 2 oz.) He has been eating better the last couple days so I'm sure he is gaining again :)

Last Friday evening, we went with Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris to the Village Creek Festival! I think Ryan enjoyed it :) He loves to look at everything...and he had 4 people wrapped around his little finger! We are really enjoying living in Lumberton...even though there are 1 million cars headed to Lumberton at rush hour, it still feels like a small, country town.

We decided last minute to go see my grandparents in Lake Jackson on Sunday. They had not gotten to meet Ryan yet...isn't that awful?! My granddaddy is not doing very well. He has a stroke 12-ish years ago and numerous ones since then and he has Parkinson's disease also. He keeps hanging in there though! I was so glad that he got to see Ryan! He was so very sweet with him. When we got there, I was holding Ryan face out and his feet were dangling in front of Granddaddy....he immediately grabbed Ryan's feet and was squeezing/playing with them. When we were sitting beside him, he took his blanket (it had to be 80 degrees in there!) and covered Ryan with it. He kept handing me kleenex to wipe Ryan's drool and nose. Then when we were going to leave, I held Ryan out close to him so he could get a good look at him and he put his hands under Ryan's arms like he wanted to hold him! So I sat him in his lap...they both did so good!

Apparently, the couple days before we went, Granddaddy had not been doing good so it was good to see him in good spirits and doing pretty well. One hard thing is I could not understand him when he was trying to speak to us. There were a couple times he was trying to tell me something but he doesn't have a voice right now. :( Hurts my heart to think about that. We will rejoice with him when he is whole again!

We had a good visit with my Uncle David, Aunt Sherry, Grandmother, Amy and Joe too! Joe texted me today that Ryan was the best medicine Granddaddy has had in a long time. I hope so! Ryan really is such a good sport. He lets lots of people hold him and is pretty content doing it too! When I take him places, people always comment on how good and happy he is...and I have to agree! (Although he is NOT happy right now when I put in IN his car seat...he will be fine a minute later but the getting in, he is NOT a fan of!)

Ryan is feeling better...still coughing up junk but doing better. Oh, how we love him! He makes our life happy(er)! He lets me read books to him, which makes me very happy!

(He looks GInormous in this picture!)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And it begins....

Soo...we made it 3 half days at day school before Ryan got his first runny nose/cough/hoarse throat! Last Thursday when I picked him up at lunch, it had begun. YUCK! This weekend it got progressively worse, until he would cough until he spit up/threw up. It is so sad to see him crying with tears running down his face and NO noise coming hoarse. So yesterday I stayed home with him for our first mother/son sick day :) We went to the doctor and he gave him 2 medicines. I was gonna try to get a picture when he was crying but it was too sad to stop comforting him to take a picture :(

He is definitely feeling better today, thank God! Still has a cough and runny nose but it's getting better.

We had a busy weekend. Ryan's dedication at church was on Sunday. We had a lot of family there and it was very special! Alecia videoed it for us and as soon as I can figure out how to take pictures off of the video, I will put pictures of it on here. Ryan also turned 5 months old on Saturday! WOW!
Also, yesterday was Michael's 32nd birthday! We are officially the same age again :) It was a busy work day for him and Ryan was sick so it was not your typical birthday. I did make him fried pork chops for dinner! Yummy.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010 etc...

Couldn't resist the bunny ears on Ryan this year :) That is his sock rabbit that his grammy and pawpaw sent to him for Easter.
This was his handsome little Easter outfit! He looked so cute!
Sunday was also Laura's 3rd birthday so we had Easter/birthday party at Laura's house.
First Easter egg hunt!
The cousins who were at the hunt...Kate, Ethan, Laura and Ryan.
Ryan's too cool Easter basket :)
Today was Ryan's first day at day care (school, camp....what ever you want to call it...I don't like "daycare". Sounds no fun:( But Ryan did very well! He was fine when we left and asleep in the swing when I went to pick him up at noon. I am easing into this...half days for a few days. His teachers said he did very good except when the other babies were crying, he cried too :( It was hard to leave him but I think I had dreaded it so much for the past 5 months (and cried enough too) that I wasn't an emotional wreck. Michael was even more teary then me! I also knew that it was only for 3 hours today! Also, we have been praying a lot about this and we want to be in God's will for our life and Ryan's life. We are trusting Him to take care of Ryan and give us wisdom about our decisions that affect him.

Love how Ryan intertwines his fingers like this when he is sleeping.

Ryan was sporting his Astros shirt last week :) GO 'STROS!