Sunday, March 15, 2009


doesn't seem like we are always waiting for something? When you are 4, you can't wait to be 8. When you are 8, you want to be 16! When you're 16, you think life will be SO much better when you are 21. After that, maybe you just wanted to meet your husband. Some people get them at 21...but others have to wait ENTIRELY too long it seems :) If you are married, you might be waiting to have children. When you have babies, you might be hoping for the next stage, whether it be when your child can sit up, crawl, walk, feed themselves, clean up after themselves or sleep through the night. Wait, wait, wait.

During my long wait for Michael, I remember something someone said to me. I was whining about why couldn't it EVER just work out with someone. I was told "well, until you meet the right one, it's NOT gonna work out."huh. simple. makes sense.

Pastor Ron preached a sermon lately about Abraham and Isaac. About listening to God's direction and acting on it. And about God's provision for us. Here are a few quotes that I have been thinking about:

"Provision is waiting for you to arrive at the place God desires you to be."
"The treasure of God's best for your life is found in the field of God's will for your life."
"Sometimes God sends us down a particular road to get to the end of that road and sometimes He sends us down a road to get to the fork in that road. We don't always know until we get there. This is why we must know God's voice and always be ready for a fresh word from heaven."

I know these comments don't directly deal with waiting, but they do deal with God's provision (in His perfect timing) and us seeking His direction....which sometimes requires waiting.

I'm a little teary today, as it was supposed to be our due date. It's spring and there is new life everywhere, from babies (everywhere I look!) to all the new leaves, plants and flowers. I know that the Lord is in control and He will provide for us. And like Abraham...I am to trust Him, seek His direction and do what He directs me to do.

UPDATE:  I was pregnant when I wrote this, I just didn't know it yet :)

1 comment:

  1. kt, using everything that life puts before us to the glory of God is what a woman of God does. You are such a woman. Praise God. I know this journey isn't easy, but with God all things are His timing, and His timing is perfect, perfect. I love you.
