Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sweet boy

is 2 months old...and weighs 13 pounds 5 ounces. He is 23 inches long. He is getting big :) but I am still enjoying his newborn-ness!

I love the squeaks that he makes.

The way he pulls his knees up under him sometimes when I am holding him against my chest.

How he has pretty much outgrown the sling in the baby bath tub but he looks so cute squished in there with his leg cocked over the side :)

How he still has that newborn cry.

I love how he stretches when he gets done nursing...throws those arms over his head, throws that head back and the look on his face is "this is the best stretch EVER!"

A few small things that I love and don't want to forget.


  1. How incredibly sweet! I can't believe how time has flown. He is so beautiful!

  2. Look at Ryan sleeping in his bed! Good boy! -Alecia

  3. I loved reading about the sweet little things Ryan does...such a cute baby!
