Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Second Birthday Ryan!!


I cannot believe it has been two years since you were born!  (I am sure I will say something similar to that your whole life :)  You are such a joy to us and you make us laugh every day!  

I would say that this past year has been challenging.  It was not picture perfect and smooth sailing.  We had a lot of doctor visits, therapy sessions, blood drawn (YUCK), try this and try that.  But you, Ryan, are a trooper!  You are almost always a happy boy who smiles and laughs and shares your sweetness with everyone you come in contact with. You make the world a happier place!!  

You are such a little boy now that loves to play with your cars. If I am sitting on the floor with you while you are playing, you will run your car all over my head, spit flying from your car noises! You LOVE to be outside and cry almost every time we come inside.  Your favorite thing in the world are big trucks. 

You LOVE all of your grandparents!  And they LOVE you too!  You are getting a lot of special time with all of them right now and you love it. You also love your aunts, uncles and cousins.  I love it when you say their names...too cute! You still enjoy going to school and will blow kisses at me and tell me "bye bye" when I bring you into your classroom.  They love you at your school too and I am very thankful for that.  

You are so sweet to your daddy and me.  You have started wanting to hold our hands sometimes and it makes us happy :) Sometimes when we are all playing together you will look at us and say "momma" "daddy" and you will give us un-asked for kisses. There is nothing sweeter than that!  You like it when we pray together and always say "amen!" when we are done :) 

You have changed so much in the past few months.  I am so thankful for how much you are talking now and how independent you are in some ways. It is so amazing to watch you learn new things and get excited about them.  

I know this next year will bring it's own set of challenges....but there will also be unspeakable joy because of you!  You are doing great Ryan!  We couldn't be happier to get to be your parents.  You are our greatest blessing!  

We love you beyond words!
Your momma and daddy

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post..made me cry! Happy Birthday sweet Ryan!

