Monday, July 4, 2011

Catch up and 4th of July!

We were playing upstairs the other day and Ryan wanted in his swing.  He spent many hours in it when he was a little baby...and he is WAY to big for it now :)

I know I have said this before but Ryan LOVES to be outside.  When the sun finally goes down and it is time to come inside, there is loud opposition!  He has been getting so dirty and I am having to SCRUB his sweet face and the dirt ring on his neck :)  I love it.

I love these pictures of Ryan outside.

Jenny's birthday (29!) was last week and we went to eat and see our favorite cover band, Jive Train for their reunion concert.

Lately, Ryan has been wanting to wear my hats.  He laughs when he sees himself in the mirror :)
This years 4th of July will be celebrated withOUT fireworks! We will see if this is even possible:)  We are in a severe drought in Texas this year.  This map shows all the counties with burn bans in Texas.
We have had SO many forest fires in our area and all over the state.  We aren't the only state with big drought problems either.  A lot of the South is very dry.

So there were no fireworks at Wildwood this year! We hung out and went to the parade Saturday morning.
The parade is pretty small but fun because people decorate their golf carts and join the parade :)  Ryan wasn't too sure about the fire truck blaring it's siren.
I love this picture!
On Sunday afternoon, we went to Sheri and Curtis' house and had a great time hanging out in the swimming pool!  Ryan loved it and spent hours in the pool!
The 4th is actually tomorrow so our plan is to  RELAX!! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all the adorable pictures of Ryan!!! So glad I got to see him last night and catch up with y'all! Love ya!

