Thursday, December 2, 2010

1st Birthday Party!

Ryan's first birthday party was so fun! I enjoyed planning and preparing the party to celebrate Ryan :) The theme of the party was Sock Monkey! I wasn't over the top with the theme...just some accents here and there!

The lady from designed his card and also these party circles (for cupcake toppers or decoration). I put them on a "tree" for decoration and as tags on the party favors. (forgot to take pictures of all the favor bags...this was one of the adult ones and I had different ones for the kids with bubbles, stickers, crazy straws and candy in them)

Another decoration I did was this photo display of monthly pictures of Ryan during his first year. (I saw this idea on another blog but I don't remember the blog address) Jenny helped me put this together! This was Ryan's cake! I loved it! One layer was chocolate and one was vanilla. The smaller cake was Ryan's smash cake. Here are some present opening pictures :) The opening of the gifts started off pretty calm but by the end all of the kids were opening up gifts!! It was a little crazy! I figured this was the only year the Ryan wouldn't care if they opened his gifts so might as well let them enjoy it while they can :) (Love this! Aunt Jenny made it for us and I can hang Ryan's art work or school work on it! "Look what Ryan did") This was one of Michael's gifts to Ryan. The boots were Michael's when he was a kid, the wood gun was carved by his granddad in the 1920's (grandpa played with it when he was a kid!) and the holster was Michael's dads that he played with as a kid!) Pretty cool gift! My sweet friend Carrie and her kids came from Pearland just to come to Ryan's party :) Our friends, Shanelle and Gavin (and Kelsey in the background) The smashing of the cake: Laura was hoovering around Ryan because she was wiping the icing off of his face and eating it! Michael tried to get Ryan to dig in by sticking his chin in the icing but it didn't really work! Not too interested! After we got him cleaned up, he was a little more comfortable! These are some more of the people who were at Ryan's party: This is the Red Rider wagon that we got Ryan...he loves it :) When we were singing Happy Birthday to Ryan, I was thinking about how blessed Ryan is with so many people who love him! There were about 50 people there who decided that of all the things they could have done that day, they wanted to come to a 1 year old's birthday party. That makes me a little teary! So glad that we could all get together and celebrate Ryan!


  1. Sweet little boy! Oh and this is totally unrelated to Ryan, but I love the shirt your wearing in the picture with him in the wagon :)

  2. Love all the pictures Katie! The ones of y'all opening the presents are so funny...attck of the kids!! I love the present your sister made..she is so creative! Wish I could have been there! Oh and I love the cute little brown boots Ryan has on in one of the pics! LY

  3. Wow! If that many people were at his 1st Bday- you're gonna have to get a bigger house for his 16th bday. :-) The pics were so fun and I LOVE the sock monkey theme. Sooo cute. My girls Alecia and Katie are still looking stellar as well. Miss you all. Big hug and kiss to Ryan.
