Monday, October 25, 2010


Last week at school, Ryan got bit :( It may look like lipstick kisses but that is a 9 month old girls teeth prints! I felt so bad for Ryan...his checks get kissed so much every day, he must have thought she was gonna give him a sweet kiss...then she chomped down! He looks a little sad in this picture but it's just a bad picture. He was fine...only cried for a few seconds they said. I know this won't be the last bite...I just hope it is the last for awhile! (They said biting doesn't usually happen this early..hopefully it's just a fluke thing.)

Ryan has had lots of congestion for a long time now. Just can't seem to get rid of it. I have been praying for a solution. I asked the doctor about it maybe being see if he needs to be on a different medicine. He put him on Singulair...hasn't made a huge difference but we will keep trying. Last week, Ryan's mask to his breathing machine was left at school. Michael thought he could rig one up....FAIL on that one :) He shot water all over the kitchen! But we did get a good laugh though :)

Michael has been "kid-proofing" the house...especially the kitchen. I loved this picture of Ryan watching his daddy work :)

We did leave the tupperware cabinet open so Ryan can continue to do this:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie - -a dear friend of mine haas been battling runny nose issues for over a year and finally convinced her doc that MAYBE her daughter had a milk allergy. They tested her and sure enough, she does! They had tried EVERYTHING but taking her off milk has solved the problem. It may not be milk, but maybe the doc will agree to allergy testing? It may be too soon -- not sure? He is a doll. That cabinet looks like a great kid's play area!!
