Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Words etc.

Ryan has been saying a few new words lately!  My favorite is "puppy" cause it is just so stinkin cute :)  He also has started saying "all done".  A few times he has tried "oh no"and "elephant" .  The words he says a lot are still dada, daddy, momma, uh oh, hi and bye and he says "MMMMMmmmmmmm" almost every time he takes a bite :)

He also does the sign for "more".

He has finally started blowing kisses and he does it ALL the time! Love it. 

He still loves to wave at every car that passes our house and pretty much every person that he sees.  

I love how how babies develop different waves.  It seems like every week Ryan is waving differently!  The past week or so, he waves with his thumb turned in toward his palm and his other 4 fingers waving by closing them over his thumb.  It is precious!

Something else that Ryan has been doing is when I am washing dishes or cooking dinner and he wants my attention, he will take my foot and turn it out towards him...pretty smart gets my attention and that is the point :)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you and Ryan this weekend! Maybe I will get a kiss blown my way :)

    I have been having problems posting comments on your blog so I am trying this one as anonymus....

