Ryan is always doing new things and I want so bad to write it all out so I won't forget!
A few things that Ryan is doing right now are:
When he says "uh oh" it sounds like "uh-ewwww". Love it.
He says "uh-ewww" and THEN throws something on the floor.
He is doing that thing when he reaches for you and opens and closes his hands over and over...can't hardly resist that!
Ryan has his front 4 teeth on top and bottom. He also has/is getting some molars...there is a one tooth gap between the molars and the front teeth. This week he started getting the teeth to fill in the gaps too :)
He has been cracking us up with his squealing! He gets so excited and is very loud! I don't think I have ever written this but for a long time now, when Ryan gets excited, he extends his arms and legs and then pulls them in, throws them out and pulls them in. It's hard to explain it...but I am hoping when he is 20 I will read this and be able to picture it!
The sleeping through the night thing was a fluke. Hasn't happened again and this week has actually been a bad week as far as sleep goes. I know I should let him cry but I have a hard time with it. I ALWAYS have an excuse for not letting him and I know this about myself :) But I honestly think it is his reflux waking him up....there is no other reason why he should wake up so much. Also, since I am not with him during the day, I have a hard time not comforting him at night. I have lasted this long with interrupted sleep...I will survive :)
One thing I never want to forget are these sweet feet... I wonder where these feet will take him, what fun adventures he will go on, how fast they will run...but right now I can't wait for those first steps. I know he will be SO happy! He is mentally ready...I see him watching other kids and he looks like he wants to run around with them and he watching everything they do. I know he will get there soon!
Such a sweet picture! Sorry to hear about the sleeping thing...I will be praying about his reflux!