March 3rd was Michael and my 4th wedding anniversary! It feels wrong to type that cause there is no way that we have been married for 4 way. Michael's parents kept Ryan and we went to eat at Pappadeaux for dinner. A good, low-key anniversary! (we did not take any pictures :(
The picture below was one morning when I was getting ready for work. Normally Ryan sleeps until I wake him up to get dressed but he woke up early on this morning. He is such a sweet, happy boy!

Ryan loves to play with his books! He mainly pulls all of then on to the floor but he does like to look through them sometimes. He has a couple books that have large puzzle pieces in them and he is starting to understand where the pieces go on the pages! (this pictures was first thing in the morning so he still has bed head :)

This is Michael's current favorite picture of Ryan. Michael wasn't home one evening and I was trying to get a cute pic of Ryan to send him. He would not be still for the camera so this is what I got :)

This past week was really busy with visiting but lots of fun! We started out Sunday after church going to Wildwood for lunch with mom, dad, Jenny and Chris. Mom and Dad left at the end of last week to go to Denver for a few weeks for Dad's work. We don't all get together as a family very often so mom wanted to have a family dinner before they left. Mom made chicken was VERY yummy! She and dad also made mini cheesecakes and brownies that were to die for. I think I am hungry now.
This were how our evenings were last week:
Monday--Michael had plans with friends and Susanna came over for dinner and a visit! We never get to hang out so we had a great time catching up! I remember the night that she was born and now she is a beautiful almost 19 year did THAT happen??! (we didn't take any pictures :(
Tuesday--Amy, Dennis, Kate and Laura were on Spring break last week and they were camping in Louisiana for a couple nights and then pulled their trailer to our house! We got to hang out with them Tuesday evening and they stayed the night outside in their trailer :) It was fun!
Wednesday--Grammy and Pawpaw came by to visit since they were leaving on Thursday. Had to get one last Ryan fix.
Thursday--I have been working in our front flower bed (pics and post to come!) so Thursday I ran up to Silsbee to get some plants. Don't think anyone came over.
Friday--I got a few more plants when I got off and Michael's dad brought Kate over. She is trying to earn some money to help pay for a camp that she goes to in the summer (think--the Parent Trap...very cool camp and Kate will go for 2 weeks! Some girls spend a month I think.) She watched Ryan while I planted some plants and she folded a load of clothes for me. Michael mowed the grass. We had GREAT weather last week and loved getting to spend a lot of time outside! Cody came over and spent the night. (love this picture of Kate and Ryan waving at cars)

Sunday--Skipped church (had visitors :) and did some work around here. Sheah came over for a visit that evening. Hated for the day to end :(
As you can see, we have been busy but have enjoyed getting to spend time with people that we love!
I love this picture of my boys...

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