Play with daddy's chair
Open and close the door
Dump all his toys out of the box
There are a few more things like play with the plant and almost dump the dirt on the floor, roll BEHIND daddy's chair, get in the bathroom, find any shoes laying on the floor of the living room and try to put them in his mouth, etc. Good times :)
Ryan has been doing better with sleeping in his bed lately! Yes, we are the BAD parents who let our baby sleep in the bed with us :) It started out as desperation for a little bit of sleep when he was a baby. He NEVER liked his bed. This was our routine for the first few nights we were home with him: nurse Ryan, Ryan fall asleep, put Ryan in his bed, lay down and pray for at least a couple hours of sleep, 20 min later Ryan awake and crying, get Ryan up, nurse Ryan, change Ryan's poopy diaper, spend 1 hour trying to get him back to sleep. Repeat. I could not survive. So that lead to Ryan sleeping on my chest which was his favorite place in the world :) And I admit it....I liked the cuddle time :) I would prop up my arms with pillows so Ryan was secure and safe or I wouldn't have done it. We decided this is what works for us and went with it. (We would try to put him in his bed regularly to see if he had decided to like it!) No luck.
As he has gotten bigger the last few months, he has liked to sleep in the crook of my arm. But lately he has been trying to sleep on his side or stomach and I wouldn't let him cause there are pillows in our bed. So we put him in his bed and he immediately turned over on his side....and ever since, he usually sleeps a large portion of the night in his own bed! Thank God! That is really an answered prayer. I was a little worried how it would ever work out. I loved that all night cuddle time but he is getting a little big to hold all night :)

Ryan has been doing better with sleeping in his bed lately! Yes, we are the BAD parents who let our baby sleep in the bed with us :) It started out as desperation for a little bit of sleep when he was a baby. He NEVER liked his bed. This was our routine for the first few nights we were home with him: nurse Ryan, Ryan fall asleep, put Ryan in his bed, lay down and pray for at least a couple hours of sleep, 20 min later Ryan awake and crying, get Ryan up, nurse Ryan, change Ryan's poopy diaper, spend 1 hour trying to get him back to sleep. Repeat. I could not survive. So that lead to Ryan sleeping on my chest which was his favorite place in the world :) And I admit it....I liked the cuddle time :) I would prop up my arms with pillows so Ryan was secure and safe or I wouldn't have done it. We decided this is what works for us and went with it. (We would try to put him in his bed regularly to see if he had decided to like it!) No luck.
As he has gotten bigger the last few months, he has liked to sleep in the crook of my arm. But lately he has been trying to sleep on his side or stomach and I wouldn't let him cause there are pillows in our bed. So we put him in his bed and he immediately turned over on his side....and ever since, he usually sleeps a large portion of the night in his own bed! Thank God! That is really an answered prayer. I was a little worried how it would ever work out. I loved that all night cuddle time but he is getting a little big to hold all night :)

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