sometimes when we are rocking him to sleep, he kind of "sings" himself to sleep. AAAAHHHHH....yaaaaaaa....ddadadadada.....aaaaaaaaa....and then it will eventually fade off to sleep.
when he gets so excited that he just closes his eyes and squeals :)
when I peak around the corner at him playing in the living room and he sees me and just gives me one of the bi ol' grins that will melt your heart.
he LOVES opening and closing the refrigerator door. oh, and he loves the little turkey hanging from the ceiling in the garage.
he is a CUDDLER! Michael asked me before he was born what I was gonna do if we got a baby that didn't like to be held and cuddled a lot. no worries. that is not the baby that we got :) (do they make them like that??!)
when I get him up in the morning to change his diaper and get dressed, he will sometimes fuss a little. it is VERY hard to get up! i usually pick him up and walk over to the mirror so that I can look at him a little bit. he is asleep on my shoulder and i could just look at him all day. after I change his diaper, i bring him over to our bed to dress him. i love when he wakes up a little while i am dressing him and cracks his eyes open and gives me a little, sweet, sleepy smile :)
he says "dadada" ALL the time! i love it when he whispers it "dadada" he is just dreaming of dada :)
right now, when he has fallen asleep taking a bottle, when he is done with it, he throw himself over on his side...loves to sleep on his side now.
There are many more, that I will hopefully remember to add later. These are just off the top of my head tonight. We are very blessed!
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