We took of Friday from work, so we left Friday morning with me driving and Michael still not knowing where we were headed....until we turned on 290 going to Brenham! We have been wanting to tour the Blue Bell Creamery (I went probably 20 years ago and Michael had never been). Tickets are first come first serve and they only start selling them 30 minutes before the tour. (I overheard the lady on the phone telling someone that they are not taking group tour reservations for the summer because last summer they averaged 2,000 visitors a day, people were waiting 2-1/2 hours for tickets and they have no room for buses! WOW!) We are big Blue Bell lovers so we enjoyed hearing about and seeing how it was made. They give you a serving of ice cream after the tour and it was Michael's lucky day because since ice cream is dairy I am not eating it still for Ryan's (and our :) sake...so Michael got 2 servings of ice cream.
Anyway, enjoyed that and then headed on to Bryan to stay at this really neat bed and breakfast!
We had lunch at Freebirds (Ryan's first time :)
Then we went to the George Bush Presidential Library. It was so interesting! I have always liked President Bush but I like him even more after hearing more of his story.
Ryan did so well all weekend! He is a good traveler and such a sweet boy! Yes, I know I write that a lot.
Ryan has been drooling a TON the past few weeks and I realized Saturday night that he is getting his first tooth!!! Michael was laughing at me because of how excited I got :)It is the bottom left (his left) tooth. It's just the very tip but it is there! I am amazed at how FAST things change with him. Wow. It is too small to get a picture of yet but I took this sweet one of him on the way home. He likes to chew on our finger through the paci.
He kinda liked it some of the time...it might be an acquired taste for him. But I think he will really like it later! Also, 4 months and up is the exersaucer. It's fun that he is growing into some of his toys! Lots of fun ahead :)
That sounsd like SO much fun! I am so glad Ryan did so well!!
ReplyDeleteKatie, I am chuckling over those cute pictures of Ryan! Soooo precious! I am glad yall had a great weekend and that Ryan is such a fun traveler. Love you much, Mom