Ryan rolled over completely by himself for the first time last weekend (March 20th)! This is him right after the big event.
Here is Ryan chillin after his bath
In his cutey "Tube the Frio" shirt My cousin and her family came by to meet Ryan. They had their sweet Azalee (hope I spelled that right!) on December 1st...so her and Ryan are 20 days apart. She was born with a ton of dark hair but unlike Ryan, she didn't lose all of hers! P.S. Ryan's new baby hair coming in is very light...almost golden :) That's big sister Ella in the middle :) So sweet! LOVE him in this sweet shorts outfit. There was finally a day warm enough to dress him in shorts! Ryan likes his exersaucer! I like that there is another position I can put him in now besides the swing, holding him or flat on his back.
(I know his face is blurry in this one but he looks so cute standing up in it and I love his feet!)
I thought Ryan and daddy looked so cute in their white shirts and blue jeans :) We are LOVING being Ryan's parents!
Ryan is so adorable! I love that picture too of Ryan and his dadddy in matching outfits :) I need to come see him very soon.