Look at those sweet feet! I stole this picture off the internet but I have been feeling Ryan's feet a lot lately! The last few days I have noticed much more movement :) I notice it mostly when I am laying down or sitting still on the couch. Last night, I was laying in the bed and feeling Ryan kick so much. I realized that I could feel his kicks on the outside too! Michael put his hand on my belly and he got to feel Ryan move for the first time! So fun!!
My friend, Michelle, said that she saw where you can download your blog and print it out. How fun would that be?! She mentioned it would be neat to print it out once a year and keep a memory book. What a great idea!
WOW! I can't imagine feeling a life inside of me kicking! I am always so amazed at the miracle of pregnancy! The website I was talking about is www.thecutestblogontheblock.com. I think it is a great alternative to scrapbooking..I can't wait to print mine out this year.