Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Getting bigger...

Finally, I (or Ryan is I should say :) am finally growing noticeably!   I love it!

We moved last week! We have things looking cozy :) but still have some work to do.  Mostly hang things on the walls and put little nick-nacks in place.  But I love the house and it feels like home!  So happy to be here.  Now we get to start trying to figure out how to decorate a little boy's room!


  1. pink and green with black dots...guess why? :-) Watermelon!

  2. oh and yeah for bigger boobs!!! Woo-hoo Kaite!! (sorry if your dad is reading this...or any male other than your husband)

  3. haha! Good one Noel! :) I will consider the green part of your room idea and maybe a little black...but no pink. :)
