Today is the 3 year anniversary of our first date! It is also the anniversary of probably the worst day in Michael's life. We think it's pretty amazing of our God to redeem this day with good from bad.
When I met Michael, I was going out of town the next week. Then the next week was vacation bible school at church so we did not get to go to dinner till the next weekend. He asked me if I would rather go Friday or Saturday. At first I said Saturday because I had bible study on Friday night. Then the more I got to think about it, I wanted to have a Friday night date! I never got asked out on dates (or at least ones I wanted to say yes to :) and I wanted the fun of looking forward to a date after work. Looking back it was a pretty silly thing I guess but God knew what He was doing. That Friday, July 28th, was the 6 year anniversary of Michael's best friends death who accidentally drowned in a water skiing accident. Yes, this is the same best friend that our baby boy will be named after, Ryan. Ryan and his family have been huge influences on Michael's life. Ryan was a strong follower of Christ who talked the talk and walked the walk. I look forward to meeting him one day. I feel honored that we get to name our son after him.
I am so thankful that our God cares about us. He is good.