Ryan is growing and changing so much. He is really trying to RUN now! I wouldn't call it running really but it is walking really fast!
I wanted to write a few memories to remember:
Ryan isn't playing with his race track as much as he used to (most likely because we have put it up in the closet because we wanted our coffee table back and the noise of it was getting to us!) but when he was playing with it, he always liked to put stuff on the track to make the cars crash. Boys?! He would say "major wreck, momma!" (I think he started saying that while we were in Savannah because he came home from his grandparents saying that :) He would also put the cars going opposite directions so they would crash into each other. He would put the tv remote on the track to make a wreck. Basically anything he could find :)
Ryan thinks the words "open" and "shut" go together. "openshut momma" means to open something :) (mostly the refrigerator door:)
We LOVE Ryan's inflection when he talks. When he says "come on, momma", it sounds like "come ON, momma". "bye BYE b-paw (grandpa)".
The other day, Michael took Ryan to meet up with an old friend of his and his son. I don't know that Ryan really knew where he was going...all he know is that he was going with daddy and gonna ride in his truck. Ryan was SO excited :) He was at the door saying "bye BYE, bye BYE!" So sweet.
I know that as Ryan grows up, things will change. He won't want to blow everyone or everything (buildings, trucks, cars, etc) kisses when he leaves the room. But I sure love the sweet, innocent stage he is in. He has no thought of being self conscious.
When Ryan disagrees with something or doesn't want it he says "no" and then the thing he doesn't want. "no throw ball", "no watch". One time I was giving him kisses and I said "momma needs some kisses!" He said "no kisses momma! and he holds his hand out and waves it like "NO!" So funny.
I'm going back and reading yours and Michelle's blog posts. I'm over a month behind! So, I'm starting with this one.