Yesterday was Kate's 10th birthday! Chelle was in town so we all met up for Kate's birthday lunch. I wasn't able to get all our nieces together this summer so I was excited to do it now!
After lunch, the Wagners were running some errands and took Ryan and Chelle along also :)
As usual, they started scheming to spend the night together...and since I was off today, it finally worked out! They were very good and played very well together. Last night, they went in the front yard, sat in front of our nativity and were pretending to be Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Our manger says "Away in a Manger" and they were rocking back and forth saying "away in a manger, away in a manger" over and over again. Funny girls :)
They were excited about sleeping upstairs but that didn't last long.
Apparently, our upstairs is "scary" and "creepy". So they all came down to sleep on the couches in the living room.
This picture is from this morning when they had just woken up. Ryan didn't sleep with them but got with them as soon as he could this morning.
Ryan LOVES being with his cousins. I am so glad we got to have a slumber party!!
The upstairs is scary and creepy! Haha!!!