I am SO behind on my blogging. I will try to catch up soon!
Here are some things that have happened in the last couple of weeks:1) Ryan is officially waving! I love it. He waves with his hand facing back towards him :) He says "Hi" (really it is haaahaaahaa). 2) Ryan will give high 5's! Fun!3) He is doing less crawling and more hopping. I think he thinks he can move faster that way. And he IS pretty fast with it!4) Since he turned one, I weaned him from all breast milk to where he is now on all whole cow milk. It did not seem to be a hard transition for him, thank God. He is doing great. Oh, and letting your milk dry up…NOT the most fun thing ever :)5) I took Ryan to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor who thinks that all of the symptoms that Ryan has (runny nose, cough, chest congestion/rattle) all stem from acid reflux. Ryan was on medicine for that when he was about 6 weeks old and the medicine helped so much! But I took him off the medicine when he seemed to outgrow the reflux (the spitting up). He also had 2 ears full of wax and had fluid in both ears with a ear infection in 1. The doctor cleaned his ears out and put him on medicine for the infection. Ryan is back on reflux medicine and I am praying that all the other stuff will go away now that we are hopefully treating the problem and not just the symptoms. Ryan has also been having a hard time eating anything with any texture to it or basically anything more than stage 2 baby food. He will get choked up and throw up whats in his tummy. Poor thing. The doctor said that is also a sign of reflux. Again, I am praying that the medicine works to help it so we can move on to some yummy food and not baby food anymore!6) Ryan likes to crawl over to us now and pull up on our leg. I will be standing at the sink and he will crawl over and pull up to his knees looking at me :) like "HELLO...don't you want to pick me up?"Just a few happenings that I wanted to document...
Today is your first birthday! Your daddy and I cannot believe it has already been 1 year since you were born! It seems like maybe a couple of months ago that we brought you home from the hospital...not a whole year.
You are a very special boy. You bring us SO MUCH JOY! You have SO many people who love you...from the people that I work with, people we go to church with, our friends, your great aunts and great uncles, your cousins, your aunts and uncles, grandparents, great grandparents...and of course your momma and daddy! You are a loved and blessed little boy!We have watched in amazement as you have grown from a little bitty baby to a not so little baby to now a little boy. I love that people still call you baby Ryan...I hope this does not go away anytime soon! Watching a child develop is truly a great miracle! God sure is gracious to let parents be involved in this miracle.There is nothing like seeing you smile at us, hearing you "talk" to us or hearing you laugh. You like to cuddle with us and we love every second of it! During the past week, you have started following me when I go from room to room in the house. I am glad for you to have a little freedom...I know it must feel good!
We feel like the most blessed people in the world that God chose us to be your parents! We look forward to the years ahead...but don't want them to go by too fast! We will cherish each day that we have with you. We love the person that you already are...and look forward to seeing the person that you will become!We couldn't love you more,Your momma and daddy