Monday, July 12, 2010

8 months old!

(This post was originally titled "10 months old". uuuhhh...he is NOT 10 months old. He is 8 months old. Thanks for pointing that out Alecia :) I will chalk that up to being a little sleepy this week :)

Ryan was 8 months old yesterday, July 10th. He is 21 pounds 5 ounces and 29-1/2 inches long. He is sitting up so much now and trying to crawl.....buuuuut not so much. He pushes his leg in a way that makes him just roll right over instead of go forward. But he tries hard...lots of grunting :)

If you look really close at this picture, you can see his teeth on the bottom
His crazy after bath hair
Sometimes he will roll over and pull the blanket with him...he doesn't care too much for that!

Have I mentioned before how sweet Ryan is?! :) I know, I know. But he is! He is still clapping and makes the clapping noise now. And he will clap his hand against your hand :) Clapping is one of my favorite things.


  1. Adorable -- little baby claps are the best! :)

  2. So sweet...pretty soon he will be crawling all over the place!

  3. Love all the pictures as always! Can't wait for him to crawl either.-Alecia
