Ryan took a while to warm up to the new pool....and he never really cut loose like he does in the bathtub. But we have plenty more hot days to try it again this summer!
Remember I said how Ryan would roll off his mat now? Check this out:
He is a roller!
Love this picture of Michael and Ryan...so sweet!
Yesterday, my granddaddy (mom's dad) passed away and is with Jesus now. He had a long battle with stroke effects, Parkinson's disease and numerous other ailments. I am so happy for him to be whole and healthy! And so thankful to our saviour, Jesus, for making a way to heaven for us. What peace to know we will all be together again...for eternity. (p.s. Granddaddy is supposed to tell our baby in heaven that we love him/her. Obviously, I don't know how this all works but it makes me feel good to know he's there with our baby. My mom told me that he actually has 6 grandbabies/great-grandbabies in heaven! Wow!)
Sorry to hear about your granddaddy...what a sweet picture of him telling your baby hello (made me tear up). What a blessing to know he is in heaven and you will see him again! Ryan looked so cute in his bathing suit and I am sure before long you won't be able to get him out of that pool!