That's a happy daddy! This picture cracks me up cause Ryan is poking out his bottom lip :)
Ryan weighs 15 pounds 3 ounces and is 24-1/3 inches long. I can tell he is getting longer cause he keeps out growing his cute clothes! We are loving hearing his sweet voice when he coos and "talks" to us. He keeps adding new sounds too! His back, neck and arms are getting stronger. When we have him on his tummy, he likes to push off Michael's hands and will scoot across the bed. He pulls his legs up under him one at a time and pushes off. This is amazing to me. God is pretty smart to program us like he does :)
We love our sweet boy! We are so happy to get to be his parents! Happy 3 month birthday Ryan!
You can see his little personality coming through in these pictures. The last one is too cute and I can really see Michael in Ryan with their faces right next to each other. See you and Ryan this weekend :)