Ryan is eating and growing! I can see how quickly things will change with him. I am trying to soak it all in and enjoy. He is 12 days old now and we can tell that his face is getting a little fuller. Also his ears are loosening up a little...they were pancake flat against his head and the top was folded down a little. But they are changing now. He head is getting stronger and so is his cry :) He still has his good skin color...must have gotten that from Michael's side of the family. His eyes are a deep blue. His hair is still black but we think it might be lightening up a little in spots.
My parents went home yesterday but have been here this whole past week. What a blessing. I don't know what I would have done without them. They will be back on Monday :) for a couple days. They are in love like we are! Thank God for people who help to support us.
I am so glad that your mom and dad were able to stay for a while and help with the baby. I am sure that they will be coming to Lumberton more often :) I can't wait to see him again..I know everyone says that they grow so quickly, so enjoy every minute!