Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sweet 16

We had our company 16th Anniversary Picnic this past Friday evening.  Jenny made this great sign. She is queen of signs from her cheerleading days!

It was so much fun!  Of course the kids had the most fun :)

We had this water slide (not like any water slide we had when WE were kids, right?), 

a dunking booth,

face/body painting, (He wouldn't paint my belly.  Can you believe that?!)

and of course, FOOD!  BBQ from Willey Ray's...Yum!

Oh, I almost forgot...

we had 2 pinatas...look at all those kids! (And that's not even all of them! Some of them weren't there and some wouldn't get off the water slide:)

The adults got to visit under a little shade, thank God, since is is August in Texas for sure!

 I am so thankful to work here for numerous reasons but first on the list right now is 8 weeks of paid maternity leave AND they will let me bring Ryan up to work for awhile even after I go back!  What a blessing!  

1 comment:

  1. that is awesome about you job working with you for maternity leave and after. i was JUST thinking about all that today with my job and am so thankful for all the support just after uriah was born and for them being so flexible with me during the nursing stage that lasted 13 months! so worth it! love you!!
