Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Ryan has been working so hard and this week he finally was able to stand up by himself in the middle of the floor with no help!!!!!! This is a major answered prayer!! Michael brought him to therapy and his therapist said he started doing that during his appointment. Michael brought him by my work after that to show me.  Ryan stood right up like he had been doing it for years :)  

I am SO happy for him!  It will be a lot more independence for him. He won't have to crawl over to something to pull up on it.  He can do it wherever he wants!  I am so happy!

Ryan's speech is growing by leaps and bounds.  He is constantly repeating everything we say or a few words he picks up in a song. 

We were headed to the store the other day and passed up our neighborhood.  Ryan pointed to our street and said "that way"!

One thing I LOVE is how Ryan says "momma" when he talks.  "watch momma"," "sit momma",
"get it momma", "clap momma", etc. Love it.

Goings on...

Michael got a Playstation 3 game that lets him and Ryan drive trucks.  Ryan wasn't too sure what to do with the controller.
I love this picture of Ryan playing with his race track...pjs, boots, pants half down. Pretty much perfect :)
Ryan has had random fever a few days during the last week with a junky cough.  This was an hour or so after I went to pick him up early because he had fever:
Obviously, he didn't feel too bad!  

Ryan was very clingy and I needed to cook a quick supper, so I set him up in his couch with some grapes and juice where he could watch me in the kitchen.  I asked him "do you have it made in the shade?" He said "Yeeeessshh!"  Ha!
I love this picture of Ryan and Paw Paw:
Ryan gets a little comfy when he sleeps:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

This post actually starts a few days before Valentine's Day.  Ryan got a mosquito bite under his eye on Saturday and woke up Sunday morning with a puffy eye.  We definitely think he is allergic to mosquitoes. When he gets a bite on his arm, it sometimes gets the size of a quarter...literally.

We were supposed to take family pictures on Monday but it was 90% chance of rain and Ryan's eye looked better but it was not 100%.  So we had to postpone pictures...again.

I made chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day.  I could eat my weight in those things.  I especially love making our own so that I can eat them after they have cooled just a little but aren't hard yet.  Heaven.  I think Ryan liked them too :)
Valentine's morning
Michael's caption under this pic was "waz up ladies?"

When we were dating, Michael started drawing a heart and a "U" on the back of my hand to tell me he loves me.  For Valentine's Day, he made me this and hung it in the garage in front of where I park:

Very sweet!

Michael picked up Carrabbas for dinner and it was SO GOOD! I always love to eat their food.
Ryan enjoyed his M&M light saber he got.  Oh, and I gave Michael the oh so romantic gift of a Iphone car charger :)

Monday, February 13, 2012


A few of my faves right now:

Ryan started saying "hold you" a few weeks ago.  I love when kids say that.  It's so sweet and innocent.  "Hold you momma".  Love.

When Ryan is playing and he wants me (or anyone) to come sit and play with him, he pats the floor beside him and says "sit momma".
But my MOST fave is that Ryan is absolutely walking SO MUCH MORE than crawling now!!!  He hardly ever crawls!! MAJOR ANSWER TO PRAYER!!! Thank you, Jesus.

Michael is always asking Ryan, "is momma pretty?" to which Ryan answers in his sweet "Yesh!"  Good training, daddy.  The other day at church, his teachers had apparently told a little girl she was pretty.  Ryan told them "momma pretty!" and then said "daddy pretty" and then told his teachers they were pretty too!  Good boy! :)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I wonder...

what Ryan will be like when he grows up...what he will do and what his strengths will be.  He is such a people person.  He ALWAYS has to make sure that everyone is included.  If he is watching a great big truck clip on youtube, he will say "mama see" meaning he wants me to watch it to...or he will show my phone to the complete stranger behind us at the post office so he can take a look at the tractor clip he is watching. If we are singing "Wheels on the Bus", he will say "daddy sing" because he wants daddy to be included too. He gets so excited when we are going to see other people or if they are coming over to our house.  

Ryan is saying more words together lately.  I love seeing the progress.  It's such a miracle.

This is random but I wanted to remember this.  A couple of weeks ago, I was on the phone and the tv was on.  I hear Ryan saying "pretty, pretty" over and over again. I finally look at why he was saying pretty...
Sarah Palin was on the tv!  HA!!!  I thought that was so funny :)  She is very pretty but the fact that Ryan would look at her and say that....oh dear! 


We have been so busy lately but nothing major to blog about.

Ryan had some Uncle Daniel time at Grammy and Paw paw's house. They have a mutual love of big trucks. 
Last weekend, we went to The Woodlands for the weekend.  It was a rainy, chilly weekend so we spent a lot of time in the trailer in our pjs...nice :)
We did venture out to the mall:
Ryan had a eye doctor appointment on Monday morning and he had to get his eyes dilated again. He did great!  The doctor is pleased with his progress. She sees less range in his drifting eye so that is an improvement!  We will continue to patch and pray his muscle continues to strengthen.  His optic nerve looks great and his vision is where it should be for his age.  Thank the Lord.

Ryan thought it was funny to have both pair of sunglasses on :)