Today was a better day. Not the best :) but better! Ryan was still a little fussy and needed a lot of attention but thankfully I work where I do and I was able to give it to him. He didn't seem nearly as uncomfortable as he did yesterday, thank God. Hopefully he will get even better over the weekend and next week will be better. My child spits up and has drainage and it hurts my NOT a big deal. Today I couldn't help but think of people who have terminally sick children and how incredibly awful that must be. Thank the Lord that He is our healer.
Michael caught this cute picture on his phone earlier...
I thought it was so sweet! Lately, Ryan has been saying "aaaauuuuuuuu" and kind of howling it like a it! Such sweet sounds. Have a great weekend!
Sooooo....I started back at work last week. Yuck. I wouldn't want to work anywhere else but I sure wasn't ready to go back. My parents, Michael and his parents all took a day (I went back to work on Wednesday) and got to enjoy spending time with Ryan. So he started work with me this past Monday...
Not the best picture of Ryan (I think he was starting to yawn) but this is us on our first day of work! He did really good....up until today. Ryan has had reflux the last month or so and it is causing a rattle sound in his breathing (no runny nose just doesn't sound good). He has been on medicine but it wasn't really helping. So we went back to the doctor and he put him on breathing treatments. Look how sad this is...
He really does pretty well with it though. They told us not to strap it to his face since he is so little but hold it close to his face. It is definitely working...which causes Ryan to choke a lot and gag on drainage. Yuck. "A means to an end" is what I keep telling myself. I am totally guessing but I think Ryan might have been nauseated today because he was fussy ALL day. I left work at 2 because it was pointless to be there! I felt so bad for Ryan. We got home and after an hour or so he finally went to sleep and slept for 3 hours. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!
is 2 months old...and weighs 13 pounds 5 ounces. He is 23 inches long. He is getting big :) but I am still enjoying his newborn-ness!
I love the squeaks that he makes.
The way he pulls his knees up under him sometimes when I am holding him against my chest.
How he has pretty much outgrown the sling in the baby bath tub but he looks so cute squished in there with his leg cocked over the side :)
How he still has that newborn cry.
I love how he stretches when he gets done nursing...throws those arms over his head, throws that head back and the look on his face is "this is the best stretch EVER!" A few small things that I love and don't want to forget.